Personal Gun and Ammo Inventory System
Guns Locker

Gun Inventory
Guns Locker Gun & Ammo Inventory helps you keep track of your Firearms, Ammo, Accessories, Range Sessions, CCW Permits — and more. The Guns Locker database is only stored locally on your phone and is never copied to internet based servers.

Range Sessions
Track your range visits, range costs, which guns were used, and what ammunition was used. Add target photos to each range gun used in a session. The Range Analysis tool provides detailed info about range gun and ammo used during sessions.

Ammunition Management
The ammo management feature keeps track of your ammo. The number of spent rounds and quantity on hand are automatically updated when using Range Sessions.

CCW Permit Tracking
Provides a safe & secure place to store all your concealed carry and CCW permit information, including photos of your permit. Alerts you when approaching your permit's expiration date using your phone's Notifications and warnings on the Dashboard.
Guns Locker Features
Gun Inventory keeps detailed inventory data about each gun. Includes multiple filtering, sorting and reporting options. Automatically keeps track of gun maintenance and provides cleaning notifications.
Accessories are tracked for each gun and include purchase info such as where purchased, date purchased, cost and value, and photo options.
Notes provides a singular point where you can keep various records about events related to your gun such as notes, receipts, cleaning and maintenance records.
Photo Gallery lets you keep an unlimited number of photos for each inventory gun. The photo viewer lets you swipe through your photos with ease. You may also share your photos with others (text, email, print, etc).
Ammo database automatically tracks ammo usage and costs while providing accurate and up to date quantity-on-hand totals for all your ammo. Can be used with or without the Range Sessions feature. Even if you don't use Range Sessions, you can still use the Ammo database.
Range Sessions & Range Analysis Tool helps you keep track of your range visits, range costs, which guns were used, and what ammunition was used. You can also save multiple photos of your targets for each range gun. The Range Analysis Tool digs even deeper to show all ammo used by a specific range gun as well as show all range guns that used specific ammo. The range analysis tool also lets you know when a range gun has target photos available to be viewed.
Conceal Carry Permits provides a safe keeping for all your CCW permits and related information. Save all your pertinent information into the concealed carry database including photos. Add the expiration date and Gun Locker will automatically remind you when the CCW expiration date is approaching.
War Chest provides a place to store information about non-firearm related items. Keep records for your knives, swords, axes, non-lethal defensive items, tools, etc..
Includes Free 7-Day Trial
Download the Guns Locker app now from the Apple App Store

The Dashboard display contains "Info-Squares" that provide important information at a glance.
Touch an info-square to "flip" it over to reveal additional information.
Slide-Right or press the menu button to reveal the main menu that provides access to many of the Guns Locker features.

* Various Color Schemes Available for Dashboard.
Gun Inventory
The gun master display is searchable, sortable, and can be filtered. It displays the current value for each gun and its accessories. Total count and values for al your guns and accessories are shown at the bottom of the display. Sold guns can be included or excluded in the view. Guns that need cleaning are identified using color coding and show the number of rounds since last cleaning. The Last Fired Date and the Lifetime Rounds are also displayed for each gun.
The gun master detail display contains key information about each gun. A single inventory photo is saved for each gun. However, an unlimited number of photos can be saved for each gun using the Photos feature.

Dictionaries help organize your inventory. Using the dictionary viewing tools the inventory data can be filtered and sorted providing total counts, and values.
Makers dictionary example

Easily view the values for your guns using the dictionary graphing tool. This can provide you with new perspectives on your inventory!
Makers dictionary example

Fully Customizable Dictionaries
Types of guns in your inventory (e.g. Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns)
Group your guns into categories such as antiques, military weapons, limited editions, AR build project, etc.
Know where all your guns are (e.g. basement safe, bedroom nightstand, top of closet, etc..)
Group by manufacturers
Group by caliber/guages
* Some of these dictionaries will be partially populated with a starter set of values.
Ammo Management
The Ammo Manager organizes your ammo cache for both current and archived ammo. View your available quantity-on-hand by caliber and ammo type.

The ammo detail screen allows you to record all pertinent ammo data, including cartridge info, purchase info., and quantity. The average cost per round and the available rounds are automatically calculated.

Also contained within the ammo detail is an optional description/comment box where you can record the ammunition details. Also, a photo may be taken and added to the ammo record. This is great for taking a photo of the ammo box or can.

Range Sessions
Track which guns are used in range sessions.

Track the ammo used for each gun in a range session.

Add target photos to range guns. you can view target photos here and in Range Analysis.

Range Analysis lets you view all ammo used by a particular gun and all guns that used a particular type of ammo.

The Range Analysis shows a yellow bullseye when target photos are available. Select an item to show options to select Target Photos, Gun Details, or Ammo Details.

Select Target Photo to display all target photos for the selected range gun. Swipe Left and Right to show images. Images can be Shared as well.

And There's More........
Additional Guns Locker Features
Tags can be added on the Gun Detail Screen and are searchable using the search bar on the Main Gun Inventory screen. This adds the ability to mark or Tag a gun (or group of guns) for virtually any reason and retrieve them instantly. Examples: mark guns needing maintenance, mark guns on loan or at the gunsmith, mark guns that have special meaning, mark heirs for inheritance, etc.
Legacy Lifetime Rounds, a gun’s Lifetime Rounds PRIOR to using Guns Locker, can be entered for a gun and will be added to the calculated lifetime rounds displayed on the Main Gun Inventory screen. This provides an accurate accounting of each gun's actual Lifetime Rounds.
Range Session Gun Detail has the ability, when capturing new target photos, to prompt for a comment and permanantly superimpose it on a the target photo (i.e. this can be useful for things like adding the Yardage, Shooter’s name, Weather, etc.)
Ability to export the Inventory backup files for use by a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Numbers. The data is exported in .csv format for easy import into spreadsheet.
Backup and Restore has capability to restore data to new or same phone.
Security Passcode (optional) -- Use Touch ID or Face ID after setting up your own personal Passcode.​​​
CCW Permits - The Conceal Carry Permits feature allows you to keep all your CCW permit and related information safe and secure in one place. The CCW database includes front and back photos of your permit, date issued and expiration date, and comments. Gun Locker will automatically remind you when the CCW expiration date is approaching using Notifications and appearing on the Dashboard screen.
War Chest provides a place to store information about non-firearm related items. Keep records for your knives, swords, axes, non-lethal defensive items, tools, etc.. Keeps track of the total count and value for all items.
Spending Report allows you to see where and how much spending has occurred for any date range by Guns, Ammo, Accessories, Range costs, War Chest.
Item List Report includes photos and detailed item information. The report can be filtered and sorted in a variety of ways. The report output is saved as a pdf file and can be shared with others by text, email, print, and other share options.. *This is a great feature to have for printing copies of your inventory for safe keeping or saving to a USB drive. Also, great for sending to estate attorneys, insurance agents, police reports, etc.
Quick Photo Entry​: Snap a photo, enter gun name, repeat! This gives you the ability to quickly enter all your guns by only taking a picture and entering a name for the gun. You can fill in the details later!​
Placed throughout the system are "Pop-Up" help screens. These pop-up Help screens are designed to get you started and provide help when you need it.
On the Main Gun Inventory List screen you can search for anything related to your guns. This search can be combined with dictionary filtering for compounded searches. Accessories can also be searched.
Multiple sorting options are available on the Main Gun Inventory List screen. You're also able to filter Sold guns to be shown, not shown or shown with current guns. The count and values are also shown for each filter option.
Automatic gun cleaning notifications. Each gun has a "Needs Cleaning" flag that gets set when a gun is added to a range session (you can also manually add a gun to the "Gun Cleaning List"). Using the "Gun Cleaning List" feature you can mark guns as cleaned. You may receive a "needs-cleaning" Notification on your phone or watch that lets you mark the gun as cleaned. When a gun is marked as clean, the gun cleaning flag is reset and the last cleaning date is recorded. The Dashboard shows the total number of guns currently on the CLeaning List.
Dark Mode can be turned on and off from the slide-out menu
Ability to change the dashboard colors using the Color Scheme Feature